Solar-Powered, Weed-Killing Robots on action and Could Save Farmers Billions of Dollars on Herbicides
According to an intelligence report the robots are been manufactured which may help farmers by killing weeds on the crops using solar powers.

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Solar-Powered, Weed-Killing Robots on action :-
According to an intelligence report the robots are been manufactured which may help farmers by killing weeds on the crops using solar powers.
The robots work on the power of sunlight automatically, at day they collect all the sunlight solar energy to be used at night. These are designed in such a way that they can kill the weeds on the crops. Killing weeds help the farmers and that's a plus point for farmers.

These robots work on sensor, without any actual contact they may kill weeds, These look like solar plates usually seen on the terrase of many houses.
Billions of Dollars on Herbicides :-
For this project the govt. Is spending billions of dollars. The main recruitment is of the sensor and the herbicides and pesticides which will be stored in the tanks of robotic plates.
With just a spray by sensor the robot may kill all the weeds in just seconds. Around $100 to $200 billion dollars are being spent on the project.
The govt has also introduced new technique on inventing herbicides and pesticides self in the own country so that the cost may be reduced. But for now the govt. Is exporting the other nations herbicides and Technology.
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