How to be an inspiration for your students General tips for teachers
The teaching profession seem profession more difficult, which does not offer to practice only crazy, but the fact that they Jarrod that once the love of exercise even excelled in, and enjoy every hour spent with his students learn them as they learn from it, share their life experience and ideas as is it inspiring to them and in a certain way in life.

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The teaching profession seem profession more difficult, which does not offer to practice only crazy, but the fact that they Jarrod that once the love of exercise even excelled in, and enjoy every hour spent with his students learn them as they learn from it, share their life experience and ideas as is it inspiring to them and in a certain way in life.

With that teacher needs in addition to his talent and his passion for education to some of the skills and the things that he has to learn and train them to develop himself and his skills teaching, which is not related to substance-specific, but his ways education in general, here we have tried to put some basic things to be a teacher to enjoy it.
One of the definitions of culture was: (to know everything about everything), and the teacher must have a broad culture a lot to look at and not only read all the stuff that you teach, but to be a reader in various scientific and life topics that help in the development of the same and benefit students and their answer any questions may they come up, Students love often to engage dialogues and discussions outside the subject of the lesson with the teacher and increases their admiration and their attachment to the teacher, who find a broad culture knows a lot of things because they do not just want to teach them their lessons rather than benefit them and guide them in their lives and public process.
Read books about human patterns and how to deal with it and try to apply with the students, and educational books that contain the means and methods of lessons with an explanation for the patterns of the students and the different types of intelligence, as well as general topics.
Use a variety of ways in lessons
Children engaged in educational games in school Mount human nature on the boredom of routine and repetition, and his love for the renewal and innovative things, and this is what makes one tired mobile device after a year or less buy it, or wants to novelty and later, and buy different clothing colors and alter his clothes every day, or less what it can do is that the ways in which diversity used in the lessons, I am frankly I do this because I personally hope for change and innovation of different ideas that make a variety of methods lessons.
It does not take a lot of ideas and the effort to implement, can be extracted ideas process simple search on the Internet and implement it , including suits you and fits your capabilities and students.
Make the lesson fun
Fun teacher with students The last thing students want is a gloomy day at school they spend with teachers their faces do not know smile throwing them lessons dry manner without fun and movement, I know that life is bleak and that misfortunes did not leave anyone of evil everywhere, and that the students live below the psychological pressure trivial and significant for small for their age, why not be the school for them to regain a place where their activity and vitality, and the real age of childish that she got them life, and wars experienced by the Arab country!
This sounds difficult, but even the teacher will regain its vitality and forget their cares with his students and leave the world around them outside the school boundaries and living life as it should be.
Mahmoud Emad Elerian
writer at