What to do when downloading updates are stuck using Media Creation Tool
Now fix the stuck downloading updates using Media Creation Tool

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In case you're utilizing the Media Creation Tool to move up to the most recent version of Windows 10, now and again the tools will start to download any accessible updates previously the installation procedure.
You can resolve this issue beginning once again once more, however after the Media Creation Tool complete to download the required records on your device, rapidly separate your wire or remote connection from the web.
When you do this, the tool will timeout, skip the update, and proceed with the installation.
Once the new version has been introduced, and you're in the out-of-box experience (OOBE), connect your PC to the web or internet and conclude the updates.
Then check for updates on Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update, and click the Check for Updates button to download and install any available patch for version 1803.

Windows 10 issues
Tech writer at newsandstory