Update isn't applicable to your device ,How to fix it?
When you update your window and it shows that update is not applicable to your device then what to with this problem

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As you attempt to move up to Windows 10 version 1803, you may see a message that peruses: Error: The refresh isn't pertinent to your PC. This message demonstrates that your device doesn't have the required updates introduced to help the new form.
Windows 10 introduces automatic updates, however in the event that your PC doesn't associate with the web for quite a while, and after that you attempt to utilize a USB bootable media to update, you're probably going to see this issue.
To determine this issue, make a point to introduce the most recent updates previously continuing with the overhaul:
1. Open Settings.
2. Click on Update & Security.
3. Click on Windows Update.
4. Click the Check for update button. 

In the few cases that the required update isn't downloading, you can install it manually using above guide.
Windows 10 issues
Tech writer at newsandstory