How to fix networking problems on Windows 10 Update?
After installation of the Windows 10 Update, device may not be able to connect to your Wi-Fi network after it reboot automatically.

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Fixing a network problem can be a difficult task for many users, one way to fix these issues is using the network troubleshooter tool to fix the problem automatically.
1.Open Settings.
2.Click on Network & Security.
3.Click on Status.
4.Under "Network status," click the Network Troubleshoot button.

5.Follow the on-screen directions.
If it doesn't work then all network adapters can be reset using these steps:
1.Open Settings.
2.Click on Network & security.

3. Click on Status.
4.Click the Network reset button.
5.Click the Reset now button.

Windows 10 issues
Tech writer at newsandstory