How to Measure Strength of Wi-Fi Signal?
The performance of a Wi-Fi wireless network connection depends on radio signal strength.
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Different tools may show conflicting results.
1.Use a Built-in Operating System UtilityMicrosoft Windows and other operating systems usually contain a built-in utility to monitor wireless network connections. This is the quickest and easiest way to measure the Wi-Fi strength.
You can find this in Windows using Control Panel's Network and Internet > Network Connections page.
Just right-click the wireless connection.
Choose Connect / Disconnect to see the Wi-Fi strength.
2.Use a Tablet or Smartphone
Any mobile device that is internet capable most likely has a section in the settings that can show you the strength of the Wi-Fi network in range.
Look under a Settings then Wi-Fi, or Network menu.
Measure Strength
Tech writer at newsandstory