Memory access methods : Sequential memory access method (module 37)
In this module we will discuss on the different methods of accessing memory and the steps to be followed and concept of accessing the memory sequencially.

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Looking backward : 

This is the 37th module on learning C with us. Earlier we discussed on the basic introduction and structure of C, preprocessor it's features, intermediate and executable codes. compilation and execution process of a C program. And keywords and identifiers, data types, variables and constants, scope of variables, operators and expressions in C. Type casting in #C. Introduction to input and output functions and reading a character in #C. Unformatted and formatted input functions. Branching statements like if, if-else, nested if-else. Different types of loops and units, different memory types like ROM ( read only memory) other than RAM (Random access memory) and it's individual types like PROM, EPROM, EEPROM etc. And flash memory, optical storage and cache memory.
In this module we will discuss on the different methods of accessing memory and the steps to be followed and concept of accessing the memory sequencially.
Access Methods Of Storage Devices :-

Each memory is a collection of various memory locations. Accessing the memory means finding and reaching the desired location and then reading information from that memory location.
Information from memory location can be accessed in the following ways :
1. Sequential access method.
2. Direct access method.
3. Random access method.
Sequential access method :-

It is the opposite mode of random access. In this mode the memory locations can be accessed sequentially only. To reach a particular locations, access mechanism will first of all go through all the locations prior to the desired location and then reach the required location and read it.

Just as in audio casette to reach a particular song first of all the previous portion need to be accessed. Some backup storage devices such as magnetic tape are the example of sequential access. In sequential access mode there is only one access mode mechanism.
In next module we will discuss on the another types of memory access methods like random access and direct access.
For more articles regarding #C language and fundamental of computers please be updated with us only on
fundamentals of computers
Dalpat I
Content writer