TIME Person of the year, 2017
The Silent Breakers are the TIME magazine's person of the year 2017, find out who they are.

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TIME Person of the year, 2017

United States news magazine TIME every year features and profiles a person, a group, an idea or an object that ?for better or for worse? has done the most to influence the events of the year?.
TIME on Wednesday chose its person of the year for 2017, THE SILENCE BREAKERS, the women and men who have come forward to speak against sexual harassment and abuse in America.

The magazine cover features Ashley Judd, singer Taylor Swift, former Uber engineer Susan Flower, Isa lobbyist Adama Iwu, Mexican agricultural worker Isabel Pascual, and one woman whose face cannot be seen.
The magazine's award comes after a flurry of allegations were made against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and the #MeToo hashtag went viral around the world, as women shared their harassment experiences online. Hollywood actor, Ashley Judd was one of the first women to speak out against Weinstein.

Over the course of six weeks, TIME magazine interviewed dozens of people from different industries who had come forward to share their experience of sexual harassment and abuse at work. There were many voices that launched the movement; some are famous actors, pop stars, news anchors. Others are housekeepers, cooks, cleaners. TIME Person of the Year feature points out that, despite their differences, it was the shared experience which brought them together: often their stories were similar. The victims would describe the incident, but also how they had suffered ? mentally and physically ? for years after the unwanted advances were made. Nearly all of the people interviewed by the magazine expressed fear of what would happen to them, their families or to their jobs if they spoke out.
Rose McGowan ? Actress
In October 2017, McGowan spoke out publicly and alleged that producer Harvey Weinstein had raped her (Weinstein denies all allegations of non-consensual sex). Since she came forward, McGowan has used her platform to share stories by other women, and call out other men accused of sexual harassment and assault.
Ashley Judd ? Actress
Judd first met Harvey Weinstein in 1997, just before her acting career took off, she was also a victim of sexual harassment.

Juana Melara ? Housekeeper
Likely one of the lesser-known names, she and her fellow housekeepers did not complain about hotel guests who exposed themselves or masturbated in front of them for fear of losing their jobs. And even while guests would eventually leave the hotel they worked in, colleagues were harder to escape.
These are just a few voices of THE SILENT BREAKERS who spoke up and launched a necessary movement in America.
THE CROPPED ARM ON THE MAGAZINE COVER- TIME took to Twitter to explain the story about the cropped arm on the magazine cover. She is a young hospital worker who fears the repercussions if she comes forward with her story of sexual harassment.
The Time Person of the Year award first began in 1927 as "Man of the Year". The first winner was Charles Lindbergh, the first person to fly a plane solo non-stop across the Atlantic.

US President Donald Trump won the award last year, and he was named as runner-up for the title this year.
Other past winners have included Mahatma Gandhi, Adolf Hitler, Queen Elizabeth II and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. While the vast majority of people selected have been individuals, it is not the first time a group has been chosen.
In 2014, "Ebola fighters" were recognized, while in 2011 "The Protester" acknowledged the significance of the so-called Arab Spring. In 2006, the Person of the Year was simply "You". The magazine's front page featured a mirror cover design, reflecting the importance of user-generated internet content.
Sandeep Semwal