Low level language and it's type : Assembly level language (Module 40)
In this section we will discuss on the first type of programming language i.e. Low level language and it's types like Assembly level language.

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Looking backward :

This is the 40th module on learning C with us. Earlier we discussed on the basic introduction and structure of C, preprocessor it's features, intermediate and executable codes. compilation and execution process of a C program. And keywords and identifiers, data types, variables and constants, scope of variables, operators and expressions in C. Type casting in #C. Introduction to input and output functions and reading a character in #C.
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Unformatted and formatted input functions. Branching statements like if, if-else, nested if-else. Different types of loops and units, different memory types like ROM ( read only memory) other than RAM (Random access memory) and it's individual types like PROM, EPROM, EEPROM etc. And flash memory, optical storage and cache memory,sequential memory access method. Methods of accessing memory directly and randomly. Programming language and there types.
In this section we will discuss on the first type of programming language i.e. Low level language and it's types like Assembly level language.
Low level language :-

Low level language is also called machine language. That type of languages are close to machine and easily understand by machine as, it is major in binary form (0's and 1's).
Low level language types are :
1. Machine language
2. Assembly language

Assembly language :-

Assembly language is also low level language close to machine language. It is also referred as assembly or ASL, assembly language and "Second generation language".
Assembly language use mnemonics in place of machine codes to represent operation codes. Add, Sub, Mul etc. Operation can be represent as ADD, SUB, MUL in assembly languages. These are called mnemonics. Assemblers are used to convert assembly language program to machine language.
Dalpat I
Content writer