5 incidents that made us aware of ‘Climate Change’
Did you know Chicago was colder than Antarctica at the start of this year? Did you know that it snowed black in Siberia, Russia? And if you been wondering how in the seven hell is this possible, then we’ve got the word for you, it’s ‘Climate Change.’ Humans have lived for so many years on this planet and in some way on the other the nature suffered. Climate Change has become the top concerns and if one doesn’t star t to give a damn then, I’m afraid it will be too late. Many known personalities such as Leonardo Di Caprio, Shailene Woodley, Barack Obama are working against climate change and spreading information to the masses. In the recent times earth has experienced mind boggling changes and this article represents major incidents that gave us this hint. Let’s read more about them

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5 incidents that made us aware of ?Climate Change? 

Did you know Chicago was colder than Antarctica at the start of this year? Did you know that it snowed black in Siberia, Russia? And if you been wondering how in the seven hell is this possible, then we?ve got the word for you, it?s ?Climate Change.? Humans have lived for so many years on this planet and in some way on the other the nature suffered. Climate Change has become the top concerns and if one doesn?t star t to give a damn then, I?m afraid it will be too late. Many known personalities such as Leonardo Di Caprio, Shailene Woodley, Barack Obama are working against climate change and spreading information to the masses. In the recent times earth has experienced mind boggling changes and this article represents major incidents that gave us this hint.
Let?s read more about them.

Toxic Black snow fall in Siberia, Russia
Half a dozen days ago, several towns in the Siberian region of Kuzbass, which is home to 2.6 million people and one of the world's largest coal fields, experienced this 'Black Snow.' It was black because it was tainted with coal dust that was released into the air from open coal pits and improperly maintained factories in the region. A 2015 report from Ecodefense found that the citizens of Kuzbass have an average life expectancy 3 to 4 years shorter than the Russian national average and have nearly twice the risk of contracting tuberculosis and childhood mental disorders.

Chicago became colder than Antarctica and Alaska
The internet was flooded with videos of Americans throwing hot water into the air which was suddenly turned to freezing vapors. In January the windy city experienced the lowest temperature of -40 degree Celsius. This phenomenon was called the ?Polar Vortex?; it ripped the daily life in Chicago and other parts of US. According to reports the recent increase in cases where the polar vortex has bulged down into heavily populated areas, caused inconvenience and resulted in unusual weather conditions.

Heat wave caused roads to melt in Australia
On one side where the mercury dropped to -40 degrees; on the other side the temperature rose to a high of 49 degrees. Yes, this is what Australia is facing every year in January. Mainly in the parts of South Australia this extreme heat wave caused roads to melt, animals death, and fires. The Bureau of Meteorology?s State of the Climate 2018 report warned that ?further increases in sea and air temperatures, will result in more hot days and marine heat waves, and fewer cool extremes?, it also stated global warming and ozone layer depletion for the change.

Bees, Butterflies and 40% insects dying due to Climate Change
Climatic Change and Claustrophobic change in the ecosystem can result in extinction of 40% of the insect species on earth. It may be possible that our future generation may never see bees or butterflies. According to the analysis published in the journal Biological Conservation, intensive agriculture is the main driver of the declines, particularly the heavy use of pesticides.

Heavy hailstorm in Delhi, India
Earlier in February, the capital received heavy hailstorms, the minimum temperature to move up to 15 degrees Celsius during the day i.e. six notches above normal. This was unexpected and unusual for the Delhites, the cold winds and low temperatures, with western disturbance brought showers over northern India and lead to thundercloud and hail formation.

Climate Change
Incidents about Climate Change
Black Snow in Siberia
Toxic Snowfall
Hailstorm in Delhi
40% of insect extinction
Chicago becomes colder than Alaska
Leonardo Di Caprio and Climate Change
Australian Heatwave
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer