Few tips to quit smoking and reduce nicotine cravings
Smoking looks cool and most of us often smoke just because we find it cool. We all know that smoking results in several health risks, but we still do it because the nicotine is so addictive that we refuse to crush a cigarette. The nicotine in cigarettes offers a quick and reliable way to boost your outlook, relieve stress, and unwind. Quitting the habit of smoking is not an easy task, if you are a teen smoker or a chain smoker; it is hard to kick the habit. But believe me it's possible. The only thing between you and quitting smoking is your will power and few changes in lifestyle. So, let’s look at few tips that will help you reduce your cravings for nicotine.

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Few tips to quit smoking and reduce nicotine cravings 

Smoking looks cool and most of us often smoke just because we find it cool. We all know that smoking results in several health risks, but we still do it because the nicotine is so addictive that we refuse to crush a cigarette. The nicotine in cigarettes offers a quick and reliable way to boost your outlook, relieve stress, and unwind. Quitting the habit of smoking is not an easy task, if you are a teen smoker or a chain smoker; it is hard to kick the habit. But believe me it's possible. The only thing between you and quitting smoking is your will power and few changes in lifestyle.
So, let?s look at few tips that will help you reduce your cravings for nicotine.

Hit the gym or get involved in any other physical activity
Once you decide to quit smoking the best thing you can first do is put on your running shoes, go for a job or do yoga. Keeping yourself busy with these physical activities you can surely avoid your cigarette craving while taking a positive step in improving your health. Physical exercises will help you keep in shape and burn the extra calories that you might add after quitting smoking.

Find a substitute such as mints, gum, nicotine patch or e-cigarettes
If your smoking craving is reach a high after quitting, try and go for oral substitutes such as mints or gums or nicotine free e-cigarettes. These means are inexpensive and do not cause any harm to your health.

Figure out what makes you smoke and keep your mind busy
People often try cigarettes when they get bored and then it eventually develops into a habit. Other reasons may be peer pressure or stress and cigarettes tend to have the high effect on your mind. Many have drinking habits that trigger the smoke cravings. Well, reading a book or magazine, listening to some music you love, doing a crossword or playing a game can help you erase the thought of smoking.

Set small goals and make it easy with a quit smoking app
If you ever run into a person who was a smoker, he/she will be happy to help your out and the best advice will be starting small and focusing on small targets. Today, there are several free applications available that will be your guide in quitting the habit once and for all. So, give it a shot.

Eat healthy and stay calm
Why waste money on something that is degrading your health? Folks, investing money on something that is beneficial for your health is far better than a puff of smoke. Fruits or your favorite food can give you same happiness as a cigarette. And it?s never too late to develop a new habit such as cooking or meditating. Try these and you will definitely feel great.

Quit smoking
Ways to quit smoking
Few tips to quit smoking
Reduce smoking
Reduce nicotine cravings
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer