How to apply for new Birth Certificate in India?
A Birth Certificate is an important document that is issued to a new born child and includes details such as the place of the birth, gender, name, date and time of the birth, parents’ names, etc. A birth certificate is important for the identity of the child and is also useful for future references like admissions, issuing other important documents. Most of the birth certificates are issued within 21 days of the child birth. The process involves birth letter issued by the hospital, Birth Certificate registration from the Municipal authority, and Parents birth certificate as proof. However, if your parents were too busy to issue your Birth Certificate then you need to apply for a reissue of the Birth Certificate. This article will guide you how to do so.

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How to apply for new Birth Certificate in India? 
A Birth Certificate is an important document that is issued to a new born child and includes details such as the place of the birth, gender, name, date and time of the birth, parents? names, etc. A birth certificate is important for the identity of the child and is also useful for future references like admissions, issuing other important documents. Most of the birth certificates are issued within 21 days of the child birth. The process involves birth letter issued by the hospital, Birth Certificate registration from the Municipal authority, and Parents birth certificate as proof. However, if your parents were too busy to issue your Birth Certificate then you need to apply for a reissue of the Birth Certificate. This article will guide you how to do so.

Suppose you need to apply for a passport and you don?t have a birth certificate then you need to get started with the process mentioned below.
? Go to the nearest municipal office. If they have the records of your birth they'll issue you the birth certificate. In your case since it wasn't registered they'll ask you to apply for a 'Record Non Availability' certificate.
? After you get the 'Non Availability Certificate', the next step is contacting a lawyer and applying for a delayed birth registration order from the DM/SDM or any other first class magistrate. They'll ask you to bring your school passing certificate; voter ID card, etc to prove that the DOB (Date of Birth) is as stated by you.
? Then the lawyer files an application in the court and after verification the court will give out an order will to issue you a birth certificate. This is called the Delayed Birth Registration Order.
? When the court issues the Delayed Birth Registration order then you need to go to the Birth Office to apply for birth registration. You will need the Delayed Birth Registration order, Address Proof, and Birth Report.
? After successful registration collect birth certificate from Birth Office or download from Civil Registration System website. ( )
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer