Minimum hardware requirements error 0xC1900200, 0xC1900202?
You need to check your device and windows requirements to find out solution

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Few time you see the error 0xC1900200 ? 0x20008 or 0xC1900202 ? 0x20008, it means that your PC doesn't have the minimum hardware requirements to install the new version of Windows 10.
For updated version of windows 10 minimum requirements are:
Processor: 1GHz CPU.
RAM: 2GB for 32 bit or 64 bit.
Storage: 16GB for 32 bit or 20GB for 64 bit.
Graphics: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver.
Display: 800 x 600.
You need to check your device specification use above wizard to check your system hardware information on Windows 10 to find out if hardware update is needed.

Windows 10 issues
Tech writer at newsandstory