Which is the best movie database software?
Sometimes you have such a junk of downloaded movies and videos that you forget to keep a record of the stuff you have on your personal computers. It is very easy to lose track of DVDs and CDs, so to solve this issue certain software’s are available to arrange your videos. These tools are called movie database tools or movie cataloging tools. They make it very easy for us to select a certain video according to user choice. So, here are some movie cataloging software’s that will help you.

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Which is the best movie database software? 

Sometimes you have such a junk of downloaded movies and videos that you forget to keep a record of the stuff you have on your personal computers. It is very easy to lose track of DVDs and CDs, so to solve this issue certain software?s are available to arrange your videos. These tools are called movie database tools or movie cataloging tools. They make it very easy for us to select a certain video according to user choice. So, here are some movie cataloging software?s that will help you.

Many people tend to collect DVDs and slowly and steadily they have a huge pile of DVDs. Therefore, the movie database software comes into play. It helps you organize your collection better. For a movie cataloging software it should be free or low of cost, user-friendly, easy input method, online support, and filtered stats.
Libra(free for Windows)- This cataloging tool enables you to create a complete database with all your books, movies, music records and videogames, all in one place, all perfectly organized. Libra shows the content of your database on its interface, which resembles a wooden shelf. Each item in the database has a highly-detailed entry, including title, description, images and extra information that varies depending on the type of item. Libra can manage more than just your movie collection. You can import your collection from other cataloging apps, enter items by scanning the bar codes on a web cam or actual scanner, or enter your titles manually. Libra has built in loan tracking, list creating tools for web posting, and an old-fashioned paper catalog print-out of your titles.

Eric?s Movie Database, EMBD (Free) - Using EMDB is very simple. The program doesn?t need any external plug-in or library and installs in a few clicks. The interface resembles a wooden shelf where your movies are displayed as thumbnails, though they can also be displayed as a list. You can search by cast, crew, director, or your own search terms. Cover art is grabbed from the Internet Movie Database, or you can supply your own if you want better quality. To add a movie or TV show to EMDB, just click the Add button. Enter the title and then press the Search IMDB button. This is the best about EMDB: you don?t have to type in all the details about each movie, because the program looks them up for you online.

DVD Profiler (30 USD)-It is available for free up to 50 movie entries, for further entries you need to go premium for a s cost of 30$. You can add movies by UPC or title, the app provides results as you type in titles, and usually offers multiple versions to fit the exact edition you have. You can search your movie collection by all manner of filters, like cast and crew or release date. DVD Profiler also lets you track movies you wish to own, have on order, or have lent out to friends. If you're at a loss for what to watch, the interactive Movie Pick feature uses variables like your personal ratings, critical reviews, and time since you've watched a movie last to suggest a movie from your collection. DVD Profiler Mobile is also available; it allows the user to access your DVD Profiler database via a Pocket PC.

Collectorz Movie Collector (30USD) ? It supports many of the features available among other cataloging applications here, such as support for bar code scanning, the ability to export the collection, and advanced searches for drilling down through your media. Movie Collector also has support for television series and boxed sets, including specifics on which episode is on which disc and in which part of the box. Like DVD Profiler, Movie Collector supports tagging you movies as owned, on order, and on your wish list. Unfortunately, several of the features that are included in the other applications on this list are only available in the Pro version of Movie Collector, which will run you an additional $30.

Delicious Library (Mac OS, 40USD)- Delicious Library is a digital asset management app for Mac OS X, developed by Delicious Monster to allow the user to keep track and manage their physical collections of books, movies, CDs, and video games. The software was initially released in November 2004. Users can gather and catalog anything they can assign tags and attributes to?books, movies, music, glass gnome figurines, exotic ale collections, you get the picture. On the movie side of things, it excels in the ease of use and visual appeal category. Movies are pleasingly arranged; face-out style, on a virtual bookshelf. Your library can be exported and published on the web, or even shared with friends through your own website. Delicious Library even has a super quick process for listing your items for sale on Amazon.com if you want to convert some of your unused media into cash.

Movie Database Software
Best Movie Database Software
Top Movie Database Software
Movie Cataloging Software
Delicious Library
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer