Tips to buy Domain
Are you puzzled on what domain for site name to choose for your blog? I know it can be a bit frustrating especially if you don’t have any guidelines to guide you. This is what prompted me to come up with several tips that will help you create the best domain name for your blog

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First have several ideas before looking for hosting companies. Don?t just bundle up words when choosing a domain name. The words should have a clear definition of what you do. Don?t be afraid to juggle words up to see what looks right and whether it makes sense. Unique names are ones you can build a brand around compared to generic names which are confusing and are easily forgotten. The best way is to generate three to five keywords that are related to your blog and arrange them to make sense to the visitor of what you are dealing with. In other words have a domain name that your visitors can identify with. It?s important to make it unique to separate your brand from other brands. Domain name that resembles another popular brand is a bad idea as this will confuse your users. The length of your domain name also matters since it affects the processing fluency. Fewer characters are better. The average number or characters of the top 50,000 websites is 9. If you are serious about building a long-term brand online I strongly suggest you settle for a .com since it has stood the test of time. It is the most recognized and accepted TLD. Make it easy to pronounce and remember so that it will give your visitors an easy time to spread word about it verbally. I hope that these few tips to buy domain will help you make a good choice.
Naman Modi