10 Things to Have in Place to protect yourself from COVID-19
While the spread of the COVID virus and the increasing death tolls prove a constant scare, us as individuals can take a few simple steps in preventing ourselves from getting infected.

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The deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 started out as an epidemic in the Wuhan province in China. Soon the virus spread across the world, affecting millions and taking the lives of several hundred thousand.
The virus commonly spreads from one person to another through direct contact or contact with infected surfaces and when the infected droplets get into one?s body.
While the spread of the virus and the increasing death tolls prove a constant scare, us as individuals can take a few simple steps in preventing ourselves from getting infected.
- Maintain Hygiene - While vaccine tests are still underway, keeping yourself and your immediate surroundings hygiene can help you protect against the virus. Washing your hands, cleaning often-used surfaces with antiseptic and disinfectant, covering your mouth while coughing and sneezing, and avoiding spitting are some of the simple yet effective steps we can take to curb the spread of the virus.
- Always wear a mask when you go out - A mask can work two ways in the fight against coronavirus. A mask can help protect particles from infected people from reaching inside your body. It acts as a shield for your mouth and nose, which are the commonly exposed parts in our body through which the virus can quickly get access. Another way the mask helps is, if you are infected with the virus, a mask will also prevent particles from your body from reaching others. It will reduce the projectile length of the particles when you cough or sneeze.
- Wash your hands often - The point to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds cannot be stressed enough. Wash your hands often with any soap products whenever possible. This becomes all the more important if you are outside and are coming in contact with objectionable and foreign surfaces. The 20 second time rule is also equally important. This time frame ensures that any traces of the virus get entirely removed. Otherwise, there are chances that the virus could still linger in some parts of your hand.
- Avoid large crowds and public places - While most of us are doing our part in trying to reduce the spread of the virus, there are still many things that are not in our control. There could be asymptomatic people walking around, not knowing they are affected by the virus. There could also be colluders who refuse to wear masks. While it might not be possible for us to convince everyone of the need to wear masks, the only best way to not get affected by them is to avoid such places. Avoid public areas where there are a lot of crowds. Use public transports with caution. Try to use private vehicles as much as possible for travel. Stay indoors and go out only if necessary. If you don?t have the luxury of work-from-home take necessary precautions in your workplace. Talk to your manager about the need for workplace safety. Read more: Google launches COVID-19 tracking notification on mobile devices
- Practice Social distancing - While going out, maintain a safe distance from others. 6feet or two arm?s length is the stipulated social distance recommended by authorities. This is also another effective method by which you can prevent infected particles from entering your body. While the safest method is to avoid going outside, if it becomes imperative to do so, then maintain social distancing.
- Get a Coronavirus health insurance - While some countries could reign in the virus spread, the world as a whole is still under the deathly grips of the virus. Asymptomatic cases are on the rise. The probability and risk of exposure are now higher than ever before. It?s best to embrace the worst-case scenario and be prepared for it. A Covid health insurance is an excellent and affordable backup plan to have. It can help you cover for the hospitalisation charges. This will help reduce the strain on your finances if at all you or your family members do get infected. It will also give you peace of mind.
- Avoid touching your eyes, ears, nose and mouth - These are the entry points for the virus into your body. If you touch these parts with an infected hand, then coronavirus can easily go in and affect you. Most of us do tend to touch our face often. Consciously make an effort to deter this. A mask, to a large extent, can deter you from touching the face. So if you are a constant face toucher, you can wear a mask at all points of time and try reducing your tendency to touch your face.
- Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough -This is always a good practice that must be made into a common habit. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth or tissue. Dispose of it after you are done. Wash your hands thoroughly after disposing of the tissue.
- Listen to the official authorities - Keep up to date on the latest news from the health officials. Follow the instructions given by them. Avoid trusting fake news and articles circulating in social media.
- Try to stay put - Stay indoors as much as possible. Avoid long travels and even short ones for that matter. Educate yourself and your family more about the changes happening regarding the virus and its mutations.
Rajeshl Rastogi
writer at newsandstory.com