"TOP TEN EASY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY IN INDIA" the various stuff that you can do to make money in India.

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BECOME AN AGENT OF LIFE INSURANCE POLICY OR A POST OFFICE SCHEME: if you are good with words and have a big circle you can easily make a profit by earning the commission. Savings and that too tax savings are the most attractive words for Indians and you can use them to sell your policy and achieve your target, be convincing on your part and you'll overachieve the target.
BLOGGING IS A VERY INTERESTING JOB: people hire blog writers and content writers to write for them, they'll provide you topic and a gist of the craft but they pay very less so don't expect to become a millionaire in a year but yes gradually you'll earn and it is a long profit-making run.

START ONLINE TUTORIAL: make a video and upload them attach your link to Google AdSense and start making money. For every click on an advertisement, you'll get paid.
START A BUSINESS BY TUTORING ANY HOBBY: make something innovative a craft, food, drawing, playing guitar or anything and arrange the required furniture, lay down the structure and you're done. Get pamphlets designed and distribute and wait for your students to come
OPEN A YOGA CLASS OR A DANCE CLASS IN A ROOM AT YOUR PLACE: first, learn these arts and then only open a Centre as playing with somebody's body can cost you a suit for life.

OPEN A FOOD JOINT: Yes, Indian's are foodie and foreigners crave for the spices in Indian food. People in India are crazy to try something new and if you have great taste and a uniqueness as well then you might make a profitable deal.

BECOME A BROKER: Indian have a tendency they always trust someone who is out of the family and in that condition if you become a property broker or a broker of anything that can be bought and sold as far as it is legal then you can make a tremendous amount of money in rupees.

START A HOME-BASED JOB: you can start by becoming a dealer or a skin care product or a Medicare product or anything like that is famous in your zone. It is a profitable deal as you get a commission from the super stockiest of the product.

REPRESENT YOURSELF A CONTRACTOR OR AS AN AGENT TO PROVIDE ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICES: people are lazy in India in terms of getting the work done by someone else they are the leaders. They want somebody else to take out time to do the work for themselves and they are ready to pay but not too much as they are greedy to get more work by paying less amount.

BACK OFFICE ASSISTANT: just get hired for the back-office work and do the work at home, data entry but please don't get cheated by sending a deposit as it is a spam. Nobody charges money first to give you work always remember that.

So, there are many options available above for you and you surely have to get the right choice for yourself and start making a profit.