Facebook privacy issue is still pending' while diamond and silk are getting fame
cambridge analytica privacy scandal's investigation is on its way, but the twist comes after entry of silk and diamond.

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Cambridge privacy scandal is the top trend everywhere. mark Zuckerberg admitted that was their fault to allow access of 50 million people's personal data to research firm.important and scary part of the Cambridge Analytica scandal is that how this research firm collected data of people? why this company ignored policies of facebook? there are no restrictions on violation of Facebook privacy terms? but Mark Zuckerberg already posted his statement on Cambridge privacy scandal '' our responsibility is to provide safe plate farm to you if we cant do it, no more work.
lawmakers grilled facebook executive with Cambridge privacy scandal ' he admitted ' we did not review facebook privacy terms on this app which collected data of more than 50 million people.
Diamond and Silk yelled at members of Congress
a twist in Cambridge privacy scandal is the entry of two sisters. Lynnette Hardaway is Diamond and Rochelle Richardson is silk, both are pro-Trump social media personalities.' and most outspoken supporters of trump. silk and diamond have uploaded 500 videos on youtube channel '' The viewers view'' .they appeared on Fox news while facebook checked their content with notification '' unsafe to community'' they claimed that Facebook is discriminating against them because they support Donald Trump.
''what is unsafe about these black women supporting trump'' demanded REP BILLY LONG. people are saying investigation and appearance of silk and
Diamond is just enjoyment.

waqar zafar
newsandstory writer