Bitcoin Mining on Android
Can Bitcoin mining be done on Android smartphones, find out.

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Bitcoin mining on Android

Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining, Bitcoin mining can be done by deploying your own mining setup, and by cloud mining contract or by means of your computer. You can use the hash rate of your own computer to mine Bitcoins. But due to a huge number of miners, difficulty of blockchain and high hash rates of ASIC it?s nearly impossible to mine Bitcoin for profitability. If you have free electricity then you can get some sort of profit. All you need to do is register and download Minergate (GUI Miner for Windows/Linux and start mining). You will get your free Bitcoins as rewards for using your hardware to calculate the complex mathematical problem.

( How to earn Bitcoins)
Generating Bitcoins is called ?mining? because, like mining precious metals in the earth, there is only a set number of Bitcoins that can ever be created?21 million. Right now about 11 million Bitcoins exist, which means only another 10 million can be mined.
In the recent past, Bitcoin mining is also possible on the Android platform; some Android apps help you mine Bitcoins. But, the thing about mining Bitcoins is that it is a very hardware-intensive task; so unless you have the most recent, cutting-edge Android phone, don?t expect to get far. Also, keep in mind the energy requirements needed to keep your Android-powered while running these mining apps. That is why PCs or servers are often the best options.

You can mine other using your Android device. But again, it is not that profitable. When you start mining on android you are connected to a pool. Pools are a group of miners working together to mine Bitcoins and they at the end split the profits.
You can try your luck with the following Android applications-
LTCMiner ? This app, currently in beta, allows you to mine with the Litecoin pool, one of the more popular Bitcoin mining pools. The app has little to offer besides network settings, but it?s worth it for the Litecoin pool support.

DroidMiner? This is an android app that lets you mine Bitcoins, it is also used to mine Litecoin ( another ) in the Network pool.

Keep in mind that, until Android hardware gets much, much faster, you aren?t going to be mining a lot of Bitcoins with these apps. For example, after 8 hours of mining on one of the above apps, you can only make 0.0005 Bitcoins.
Before starting mining on your mobile you should probably try the PC mining of Bitcoins as mining of Bitcoins on a may turn out to be a great loss.
For more info on Android mining refer-
Sandeep Semwal