How to earn Bitcoins ?
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How to earn Bitcoins?

Bitcoin- It is a crypto currency and worldwide payment system. It is the first decentralized digital currency i.e. the system works without a central administrator. The network is peer to peer and transactions take place between users directly through the use of cryptography, without an intermediary. These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called blockchain.

Crypto currency
It is a medium of exchange created and stored electronically, and using encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and to verify the transfer of funds. Bitcoin, perhaps the most widely known example, has been a media sensation and an investment fad. Crypto currency has no physical form, is not legal tender, and is not currently backed by any government or legal entity. The term crypto currency is used because the technology is based on public-key cryptography, meaning that the communication is secure from third parties.
Invented by- It was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto, and was released as open- source software in 2009.
How to earn Bitcoin?
Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. As of February 2015 over 100,000 merchants and vendors accepted Bitcoin as payment, the number has certainly increased now.
There are three ways for mining-
? Deploy your own mining setup- You will need mining equipment, AntMiner S9 is the latest one, you should also have a good internet connection as large amount of data will be uploaded and downloaded. There will be a high usage of power, so electricity should be cheap as it can play a vital role in the profits.
Buy rigs at-

? Cloud mining contract- You can buy a mining contract from the companies who have already deployed mining equipment and they continuously add capacities as per their needs. Genesis Mining is the best company as they have revealed detailed about their owners, mining farms etc. Visit here: to register with Genesis Mining. You can simply register with them, select how much hash power you wish to buy.Your earnings will come directly to your wallet every day, without any hassle of doing it manually. As the cloud mining contract is lifetime, you don?t need to worry about the contract expiry.
You can buy contract at-

? CPU/GPU Mining- You can use the hash rate of your own computer to mine Bitcoins. But due to a huge number of miners, difficulty of blockchain and high hash rates of ASIC it?s nearly impossible to mine Bitcoin for profitability. If you have free electricity then you can get some sort of profit. All you need to do is register and download Minergate. GUI Miner for Windows/Linux and start mining.
For the software click here-
*Do work for Bitcoins- If mining is not for you, you can search for work that you can do for Bitcoins. There are multiple services that will offer one an opportunity to work for crypto currency. You can find something at Coinality or by just going to /r/Jobs4Bitcoins on Reddit. Currently, you can earn Bitcoins online as a freelancer mainly, but some Bitcoin startups and companies like Overstock offer an option to get the regular payment in BTC. With greater acceptance, there will be more options to look for.
*Offer something for Bitcoins- Another way to earn Bitcoins online is to sell something for crypto. If you are keen on handmade, you can accept BTC on your page, and if you are a merchant, you can use your Bitcoin address to accept Bitcoins payment on your website. You can also hang a ?Bitcoin Accepted Here? sign at your hotel, restaurant, café etc.
*Gambling and casino games- If you are searching for a simple way to earn Bitcoins online, you may try gambling.
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Sandeep Semwal