5 Ways to get rid of back pain
Back pain affects people of all age, but back pain is more predominantly found to occur in women. Lower Back Pain can be linked to lower back muscles, ligaments around the spine and pelvic internal organs. Back pain can get very tough sometimes and might give you times of agony. So, here are 5 ways in which you can cure your back pain.

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5 Ways to get rid of back pain 

Almost 80% of the worlds? population has suffered from lower back pain (LBP) at some point in their lives. Back pain affects people of all age, but back pain is more predominantly found to occur in women. Lower Back Pain can be linked to lower back muscles, ligaments around the spine and pelvic internal organs. Back pain can get very tough sometimes and might give you times of agony.

So, here are 5 ways in which you can cure your back pain.
Maintain a good body posture- Back pain may build over years if you are not maintaining a good body posture, most people poor posture when going about their daily activities, putting unnecessary strain on their backs. You can increase the pressure on your back by 50% simply by leaning over the sink incorrectly to brush your teeth, so small things count. Also, rest is not an option for this; studies have found out that people who rest more than 3 days without any physical activity have a harder time with daily tasks than those who stay active. The key is to move and do your thing while maintaining a good body structure.

Yoga- Yoga requires nothing but your time and dedication, yoga is the remedy to every disease. Yoga has given us the key to heal each syndrome and side-effects of a lifestyle which we have violated enough. In the day to day tough routine of long working hours on chair, our spine gets more overworked than its endurance limit. We take a little less privilege in giving it attention as the problem in spine doesn?t show up physically. It doesn?t bother our physical appearance and ultimately is neglected. If neglected for a longer time it can lead to chronic long lasting problems. Simple yoga poses to get relief from lower back pain. Padangusthasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Sukhasana ,Adho Mukha Svanasana can help a lot in back pain remedy.

See a therapist- If the pain has reached next level than seeing a physiotherapist or neurosurgeon becomes necessary. While physiotherapy may help improve mobility and function, neurosurgeon may involve the need to do back surgery. Surgery may involve fusion surgery and is a long term process. Passive physical therapy (modalities), which includes things done to the patient, such as heat application, ice packs and electrical stimulation is also helpful.
Talk Therapy or CBT- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or talk therapy involves combining physical and psychological approaches to cure chronic back pain. This is an innovative form of talking therapy which helps people suffering from chronic lower back pain, A study testing the use of contextual cognitive behavioural therapy (CCBT), which focuses on helping people live life to the full despite ongoing pain, found participants valued the approach. As back pain is often seen with issues such as depression and anxiety, CBT therapy can be a helpful part of rehabilitation.

Diet and Injections-Some diets are highly inflammatory, especially those high in Trans fats, refined sugars and processed foods. Consult with your doctor to see if your diet could be contributing to your chronic back pain and how you could change it. Injection treatment is also available, nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, nerve ablations and other types of injection-based procedures are available for chronic back pain. They are used when the source of the pain is known and can sometimes help rule out certain causes if the treatment doesn?t work. Injections may stop or lessen pain for a certain period of time, but are not intended as long-term solutions.
Ways to cure back pain
5 Ways to get rid of back pain
Cure back pain
Cure chronic pain
Yoga for back pain
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer