Regardless of the governor's rule, the stonebugers will not be revisited on the apology
After withdrawing support from the PDP, some BJP leaders had also demanded to reconsider the decision of the apology of the stone-borne people.

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Will continue to win the trust of the common masses:
A senior official of the Ministry of Home Affairs said that during the government of Mahbuba Mufti, several decisions have been taken to give the right message among the masses. In this, from the pardoning of stone makers, the decision to stop operation against terrorists during the month of Ramzan is included. It is neither possible nor appropriate to take these decisions back. According to him, even after the governor's rule, the work of reaching the public will continue.
According to a senior Home Ministry official, the interlocutor-appointed interlocutor Dineshwar Sharma is still meeting various classes and is in the process of finding a way to solve the problem. In such a situation, the question of restarting case against the stone makers is not raised. But by the way, the decisions can be withdrawn, the army's morale breaks. The decisions like the FIR against Major Gogoi are included in this.
According to senior officials of the Home Ministry, during governor's rule, there will be a difference in the way of handling the terrorists only and the security forces will be fully exempted from action against them. Execution of action against terrorists was earlier also, but they were instructed to exercise restraint in the action against the stone-bearers. That is why many dreaded terrorists escaped escaping. Now the security forces will be strictly dealing with stone harbors. Clearly, the rigors against the stonebirds will end in a way the security cover of terrorists will end.