What makes Google search so fast?
Google is the most used website in the today’s world, you don’t know answer to a question, you just Google it, simple. You just need to type the word and there you have millions of results in a millisecond. But have you ever wondered, how Google makes this possible so fast? In this article we will get to know the AI behind the Google search engine.

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What makes Google search so fast?

Google is the most used website in the today?s world, you don?t know answer to a question, you just Google it, simple. You just need to type the word and there you have millions of results in a millisecond. But have you ever wondered, how Google makes this possible so fast? In this article we will get to know the AI behind the Google search engine.

There are many search engines like yahoo, baidu, etc, but Google is the most trusted one and they all are in competition with each other. Also, their algorithm of displaying results is the same. What makes Google standapart is that, it shows ranks of the results displayed, for which it uses the PageRank trademark algorithm. Google uses automatic programs called Spiders and Crawlers which search the index of keywords and display the result.
Let us see an example-
If you search the word ?wildlife?; then the Google search will display more web pages linked to National Geographic or Discovery. And this depends on the frequency and location of keywords within the Web page: If the keyword only appears once within the body of a page, it will receive a low score for that keyword.

The Spider scans web pages and creates indexes of keywords. Once a spider has visited, scanned and categorized a page, it follows links from that page to other sites. Google searches its index of the internet which it makes the search faster.
Now, Google's web crawlers report on the pages they visited, and the index is updated in order; the size of the index reaches up to millions of Gigabytes.

So, this is it, similar to searching for a topic from the index of the book rather than flipping the pages.
Other than indexing there are certain other factors that improvise the Google search-
The cache factor- Many a time the search engine does not refer to the index, it refers to the cache if the query has previously been searched for. The search query is serviced from a cache rather than referencing the index. Your query is hashed and the cache is referenced. If the results page is not found in the cache, search engines will reference the index and build the results page and store it in the cache. So, this is another reason why results are displayed so fast.
Tons of servers and smart architecture- Google has several datacenters, houses with many hundreds of individual computers. These computers are all networked so they can exchange data and work together. When your query gets to the datacenter, it is assigned to one master server that breaks the job apart and assigns lookup tasks to a number of worker servers. These worker servers look through their portion of Google?s web index to return the best results possible for your query. The results get returned to the master server which organizes and sorts them and then sends the results back to your browser. For the highest possible speeds, the index in the worker servers would probably be stored in RAM instead of on disk.
Pre Results Guesses- When we type something in a Google search bar, the search engine automatically populates its best guess for what we want to search. While this is helpful to us as users to not have to completely type out our thought, it?s even more helpful to Google who can look-up the first five or ten or dozen of those pre-fetched search terms and have them nearly instantly available to the user once the ?Enter? key is pressed.
Now you know how Google is so fast.
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer