What is AutoSummarize feature in Microsoft Word Document?
Here Information help us to know what is AutoSummarize feature in Microsoft word document and its use.
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What is AutoSummarize feature in MS-Word Document?
AutoSummarize is a feature that summarizes your document by examining the content and selecting sentences that best relate to the main theme. To do this perform.
- Click on Tools in the menu bar
- Select Auto Summarize.
- A dialog window will appear with several options.
- Choose as required.
- Highlighting Key points - this will only highlight key points with a colour.
- Creating a new document with the new summary - this will make a new file with summary written in it.
- Inserting an executive summary at the top of the document - this will put an abstract at the starting.
- Hiding everything but the summary without leaving the original document.
- Also, you can select the length of summary you want.
What is AutoSummarize feature in Ms-Word document
Highlight key points
Create new Summary document
Executive summary
Length of Summary
Microsoft Office- Microsoft Word- AutoSummarize Feature.
Tech writer at NewsandStory