If you also have mutilated and old notes then go to the bank and take the note
Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines for change of notes. The notes under which they are in very poor condition can also be changed under the tender process.

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The Reserve Bank has clearly stated in the guideline that such notes which have become dirty or have been broken by water, sweat or other things, but they have not necessarily disappeared, they have to pay the government's outstanding house tax, Sewer tax, water tax, electricity bill etc. can be paid. Also accept them at the bank counter. However, these notes should not be released to the public again. After this they should be sent to destroy them.

Apart from this, such notes, which have been cut off or have been made by adding more than two pieces, these notes can be given in any bank branch. These notes will be changed under the Reserve Bank of India's (Note Refund) Rule 2009.
Notes that have not been run normally, have been badly damaged or burnt, they will not be changed into bank branches. In order to change such notes, they should be tender in the issuing office where the decision to change them under the special process will be decided.

No slogan or message written notes will not be changed :
The Reserve Bank has clearly stated in the guidelines issued on July 2 that the legal tender of notes written by slogans or political nature ends. Can not claim to change such a note. No notes can be cut intentionally or angry. Therefore, the notes which have been deliberately cut will not be considered as a claim for change. If a person gives a large number of notes to change such notes, then the information should be given to the police so that action can be taken in this matter.
Business Report
Vishal Singh
Business Report