How the Canadian millionaire "Jim Steel," saved the lives of 250 Syrian refugees?
Jim Steel, a leading Canadian Technology has invested in 150 startup - Startup - and attract the world's attention in 2015 when he announced his support for the transmission of 50 Syrian families to Canada.......

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Jim Steel, a leading Canadian Technology has invested in 150 startup - Startup - and attract the world's attention in 2015 when he announced his support for the transmission of 50 Syrian families to Canada.

When he asked about the reasons for this decision Estelle replied: "Imagine a day when you go to your job not find your office, go to your home do not find the effect of it, many of your friends or relatives die, a life full of fear Imagine the impact of going to a safe place to those families."
In 2015 it spent Estelle $ 1.5 million on the transfer of 50 Syrian families while providing 50 jobs for them in the city of "Guelph" which is located in the south-west of the city of Toronto under the auspices of Canada's special program to receive refugees, which was released in 35 years after the Vietnam War and received Canada in that time, 275,000 refugees, the program allows citizens to care and receive refugees, helping them to cope with their new lives.
Estelle care as a family of five members is equal to $ 30,000 Canadian, so decided to take care of 50 families, bringing the total number of people 250 per person, to become the next step is to meet with many of the organizers and clergy who can assist in supporting and receiving families.
The most difficult step is to determine the priority of family reception to Canada; because you greatly determine who will live and die by the opportunity to travel! The final criterion was the choice of families who are unable to work and pay taxes and can easily integrate with Canadian society, so continue with the Syrian families in that city to receive their relatives.
Using volunteer project organizer, there were 800 volunteers were divided into eight teams each band directed by the commander, the assistant and all the team to spend the specific needs of new refugees from renting prompt homes to equip them to fight the labor market, another official team all financial matters for families, another team offers prompt each family speaks Arabic and English, helping them in the new life tasks of creating a bank account to identify the transport, mobility and buy a home and education needs.
Under "Jim Steel," and his wife in the evening reception of new refugees in his home and visit others to follow their lives and help those who need to rent a house, also provided training for many of them 3 months opportunities to get jobs next to classes to learn English.
In "Guelph" the Muslim community also contributed to the support of refugees, says Mr. Sarah: "It's a happy participation in that great experiment in which all people work all their energy from the government to the various organizations we have volunteers donate many different things from time to time services."
Joseph A Syrian refugees
"I still cannot believe it," Yusuf of refugees who fled from Syria since the beginning of the war, went to Cairo and had a constant desire to travel to Europe but often decline because of fear, until he heard about the project Estelle by one of his relatives in Canada did not believe his choice to travel, it was his reaction to the first Google search for a man named Jim steel, from a man who supports strangers and bear burdens and he does not know them ?
Steel expressed his happiness and satisfaction when watching those families settled after their lives in Canada and more than half of the families got jobs, their homes and pay rent and buy their needs easily.
Jim Steel does not understand why society looks for his help on that big order, and surprised not to run other people to that experience, and believes he has provided a small part to help the refugees in order to avoid the moment you retire and thinks his life he realizes he did not do anything at the time of the dire humanitarian crisis.
Jim Steel
Canadian millionaire
How the Canadian millionaire "Jim Steel
" saved the lives of 250 Syrian refugees
M E Elerian