What is Spanglish?
I am an explorer and a Spanish language learner. For a couple of years, I have developed an extreme longing for travel and experience the different cultures of the world. Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world after English. It's a beautiful language and it’s much more than simply a spoken script. It is spoken in Latin America, Spain, some parts of the US and Philippines. But in the recent times a new term has come up i.e. Spanglish. Well, Americans might be familiar with this term. Let us know what Spanglish means.

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What is Spanglish? 

I am an explorer and a Spanish language learner. For a couple of years, I have developed an extreme longing for travel and experience the different cultures of the world. Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world after English. It's a beautiful language and it?s much more than simply a spoken script. It is spoken in Latin America, Spain, some parts of the US and Philippines. But in the recent times a new term has come up i.e. Spanglish. Well, Americans might be familiar with this term. Let us know what Spanglish means.

According to all linguists, Spanglish is a hallmark of the population of the Hispanics born in the United States. They are bilingual by right and in fact Spanglish is not considered a regional language, it is oral, spontaneous, and has no standards. The language is a mixture of words in English and Spanish. It's a way to express, not only for Latinos in the US, but for Americans as well. Mexicans call Spanglish as 'Pocho.'
After Puerto Rico became a territory of the United States in 1898, Spanglish became more common in the United States. The term was introduced by the Puerto Rican poet Salvador Tió in the late 1940s, when he called it Spanglish or English.
Is Spanglish Legitimate or not?
According to public opinion, the ways of speaking Spanglish are legitimate because it is a series of communicative practices and even considered correct and appropriate in certain contexts. People believe that Spanglish is a consequence of faulty knowledge of the language. But it is totally fine.

Anyone who has lived outside of their native country and experienced an immersion in another linguistic reality will be able to understand the phenomenon. All immigrant groups anywhere in the world adopt words from the language of the host country and introduce them into their vocabulary.
? Spanglish reflects the growth of the Hispano-American population due to immigration.
? Today there are 45 million Latinos, but it is estimated that in 2050 there will be 128 million.
? Spanglish is widely used in Hispanic communities in Southern California, in areas such as Miami, New York City, Texas and California.
? Spanglish is not exactly the fusion of Spanish and English, at first it was thought that it was a 50% mixture, but it is Spanish punctuated with English words and expressions.
? Young people are the ones who are most accustomed, if they are bilingual. Intercalating the two languages is a way of identifying and getting to know each other better.

Let us consider an example to understand Spanglish-
Spanglish - ? Voy a googlearlo?
Translation- I am going to google it.
In this phrase ?googlear? comes from English word ?Google?, and this has been used in a Spanish sentence of ?I am going to Google it.? Or ?I am going to search it?. The prefix of the sentence is the Spanish of ?I am going to?.
What is Spanglish
How to speak Spanglish
Is Spanglish right
Understanding Spanglish
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer