13 died in India while the bus driver was enjoying music
13 children died in India after their school bus was hit by a train.

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Thirteen children died after their school bus was hit by train' reason is looking simple as the bus driver was wearing earphone.the train was blowing horn but he couldn't listen . all of the children were under 10 years of age.The district chief medical officer, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, said the bus was thrown several meters after the train hit the bus.A huge crowd has gathered around the school bus.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolness on twitter.
That is not the first incident in India, it is looking normal for India' according to 2012 government report 15000 people die every year in Railway accidents. majority of deaths occurs at the unmanned and unregulated railway crossings.
Indian leaders said they will devote 100 billion dollars to expand roads ' creating more space good way towards safe journey.in next 5 years hoping for 50000 miles new routes.
waqar zafar
newsandstory writer