Health Benefits of Green Tea
Ancient Chinese mythology states that drinking green tea has a positive effect on vital organs of the human body. The Chinese trend had made its way in today’s world making tea as the 2nd most consumed drink in the world after water. Green tea is considered as anti-ageing, it consists of antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. Green tea can improve brain function, help in fat loss, and can lower the risk of cancer.Let us find what the benefits of drinking Green Tea are-

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Health Benefits of Green Tea 

Green Tea was first made in China from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) leaves that had not undergone the same withering and oxidation process. Green tea originated in China, but its production and manufacture has spread in many other countries in Asia and all over the globe. There are several variety of green tea based on the type of tea plant, growth conditions, etc.

Ancient Chinese mythology states that drinking green tea has a positive effect on vital organs of the human body. The Chinese trend had made its way in today?s world making tea as the 2nd most consumed drink in the world after water. Green tea is considered as anti-ageing, it consists of antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. Green tea can improve brain function, help in fat loss, and can lower the risk of cancer.
Let us find what the benefits of drinking Green Tea are-
Helps improve brain function- Green tea has minimum amounts of caffeine also it contains compound like amino acid (L-thiamine) which can work synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function. L-thiamine increases the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which has anti-anxiety effects. It also increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain. In a study results have shown that Green tea may Help Prevent Alzheimer?s or Memory Loss up to an extent.

Green tea can help fight Cancer- Sometimes green tea can be a life saving drink. In countries where green tea consumption is high cancer rates tend to be lower. According to the National Cancer Institute, the polyphenols in green tea have been shown to decrease tumor growth in laboratory and animal studies and may protect against damage caused by ultraviolet UVB radiation. Tea is rich in polyphenols that have effects like reducing inflammation and helping to fight cancer. Green tea is about 30 percent polyphenols by weight, including large amounts of Catechins called EGCG. Catechins are natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and provide other benefits.

Improves physical balance and helps in weight loss- Green tea has been shown to increase fat burning and boost the metabolic rate in humans. The high concentrations of Catechins polyphenols found in green tea spike up your metabolic levels, inhibit the body?s fat absorption by regulating glucose and insulin, suppress your appetite by keeping you full longer. All these are critical to burning fat effectively. Caffeine itself has also been shown to improve physical performance by mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues and making them available for use as energy.

Lowers risk of heart diseases and diabetes- Green tea lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and prevents cardio vascular diseases and stroke instances drastically. Green tea improves the function of endothelial cells, whose dysfunction plays a key role in the development of clogged arteries. Also, as Green tea stimulates lipid and glucose metabolism, balancing your metabolic rate, and preventing unhealthy blood sugar level spikes. Polyphenols and polysaccharides present in green tea also help lower your blood sugar level.

Green tea helps you live long, kills bacteria and improves dental health- Death is inevitable but drinking green tea might add up a few years in your life. The Catechins in green tea may inhibit the growth of bacteria and some viruses. This can lower the risk of infections and lead to improvements in dental health, a lower risk of caries and reduced bad breath. Some studies show that they can kill bacteria and inhibit viruses like the influenza virus, potentially lowering your risk of infections. Also, Green tea consumption improves dental health and a lowers risk of caries.

Health Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea
Benefits of Green tea
Drink Green tea
Advantages of drinking green tea
Sandeep Semwal
Content Writer