Data type and importance of braces in a C program ( module 7)
In this module we will discuss on the different data types in C. Their length and ranges and the importance of braces in a C program

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This is the 7th module on learning C with us. Earlier we discussed on the basic introduction and structure of C, preprocessor it's features, intermediate and executable codes. compilation and execution process of a C program. And keywords and identifiers.
Importance of braces {} in C program :-
In this section we will discuss on our next topic and most important concepts of using datatypes in C.
Data types in #C :-
To represent different types of data in C programs. We need different data types. A data type is essential to identify the storage representation and the type of operations that can be performed on that data.

C supports four different classes of data types namely :-
1. Basic data types.
2. Derives data types.
3. User defined data types.
4. Pointer data types.
Basic Data types :
All arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction etc. are possible on basic data types.
Eg. int a,b;
Char C;
The following table shows the storage size and range of basic data types :

Every C program contains statements that are enclosed within braces. These braces are curly braces. The opening brace ({) and closing brace (}) are used in C. Between these two braces the program should declare declaration and executable part. The statements within curly braces perform the required task / applications of the function.
In next module we will discuss on various variables and constants and scope of variables in any C program.
For more information please be updated with us as we provide all the modules and cover all the topics regarding #C. Only on
Dalpat I
Content writer