What is Python Language and how to start Python programming?For beginners
Python programming language let us work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.

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Python is a high level programming language and is widely used. It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation.
# Script Begins
It was developed for emphasis on code readability and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code.
Two major Python versions are Python 2 and Python 3. These 2 are different.
To start a python programming you need to:
1.Find an Interpreter
You need to find an interpreter to interpret and run the programs. There are online interpreters available such that http://ideone.com/ or http://codepad.org/ that can be used to start Python without installing an interpreter.
Some interpreters are available freely to run Python scripts like IDLE ( Integrated Development Environment ) which is installed when you install the python software from http://python.org/
Try your very first program on python:
# Script Begins
print("My first program") # Scripts Ends |
Comments begin with # in python. Statement is for readability of code and ignored by Python interpretor.
print(?My first program?)
to print something n a Python script on the console print() function is used and it prints out a line within the commas.
# Script Ends
This is also a comment like # Script Begins.
Python programming
Tech writer at newsandstory