How to install LaTeX ?
LaTeX uses the TeX typesetting program for formatting its output, and is itself written in the TeX macro language. LaTeX can be used as a standalone document preparation system or as an intermediate format.

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If you're running Linux, you can find the texlive package in most repositories. Afterwards you can use any text editor to follow along and compile the .tex files with the command line tool pdflatex. I don't use a graphical editor myself, but I heard Kile is a good one, but it requires the KDE libraries and Qt to be installed.
For Windows, a good point to start is definitely installing the MiKTeX bundle. It will manage all the packages for you and also comes with a lightweight and easy to use editor.
Link for MikTex :
1 ? Go to
2 ? Open download section
3 ? Download MiKTeX
5 ? Choose to install missing packages automatically
6 ? Open TeXworks
The Installation is complete at this point. TeXworks is the name of your new LaTeX editor for now.
7 ? Write code and hit compile
Tech writer