E-marketing skills
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The transformation that the world was reunited in various fields due to the spread of digital technology far from the marketing profession, which is the other saw an explanation remarkable in their nature and their qualifications and their chances of success, as well as problems that may resist completed, the job of marketing, has turned to a new concept, and now you do not take the form of more effective with digital technology, but it has not ruled out traditional marketing theories known, but able to use it to develop and to find solutions to their problems and brought out a new phenomenon called online marketing.

Marketing is the key to achieving the goals of institutions and includes identifying the needs and desires of the target market and get complacent desirable effectively and efficiently than competitors, and if the added mail recipe for marketing we are talking permission for environment and tools combined with cyberspace everything made available from the technology of communication between human beings, whether Breda electronically or Pak Tok or other electronic gadgets.
Based on this concept, depart-mail marketing world sector amazing speed, especially in this low cost and increasing its ability to expand the market, which was established thousands of specialized marketing companies over the Internet, and there was a million e-mails that roam every day in the network, and includes incentives and tips for customers several prospective studies have confirmed that mail marketing leads to expand markets and increase market share for companies at rates ranging from 3 to 22% as a result of the global proliferation.
This type of marketing to customers as Let's get their needs and choose from among the products of international companies regardless of their geographical locations, especially that this type of marketing is not recognized by commas and geographic boundaries.
Hence it began to appear private electronic marketing functions online, which is usually either a website or company that specializes these purpose sectors.
And includes e-marketing a variety of functions have different tasks
Skills and qualifications indispensable in e-marketing :
- Knowledge of how to design sites.
- Familiarity with the skills to deal with the technological tools the Internet.
- The need for English language site agreement for use across the network.
- The ability to follow up and do react fast as workers can electronic marketing to follow what is happening from the successive developments in the websites.
- The need to understand the needs of the visitors.
- The ability to use good tools used in marketing and a clear vision of the markets used and the method of managing the relationship with the currency.
- The need to recognize the signs of sales and marketing on the Internet.
- The need for familiarity with the problems of Internet marketing in terms of currency, electronic payment method, language differences and cultures around the world.
- Enjoy the skill development rapidly.
- Perhaps this skill is the subject of a difference between traditional marketing and e-marketing, where traditional marketing does not need much to the quick reaction as in e-marketing, The product marketer traditionally a substance takes its known to spread as well as it does not need to be developed between now and then rapidly, the contrary may be the survival of its original form as a catalyst in the consumer by the link.
M E Elerian
writer at www.newsandstory.com